The Monthly Note
February 2013
Saint Jude Apostolic Works
by Marcel Dumont, OP
Dear friends ofSaint-Jude,
The month of January has already ended. Time flies. But, fortunately, we have a chance to live our life in Faith in our Lord, it is a blessing. It also gives us a responsibility, to help the Church and the World by our fidelity and our prayer. And there is nothing greater than prayer to help those we love. Sometimes, we ask ourselves how I can help my children or those dear to me that have, unfortunately, too often, left the faith and do not live according to God’s Commandments. We say to ourselves, I would like to talk to them, I would like to explain to them that having Our Lord Jesus Christ in their lives, all would be so easy, there would be fewer frustrations in their lives. And yet, I can’t speak to them, they don’t listen. Yes, prayer, we have to remain firm in prayer, all of us together. Do you know thatSaint-Jude Apostolic Works in Canada, through the Dominican Community, is more that nine thousand strong? What a force of prayer, when we are gathered together in Faith to support each other.
Here, in Montreal, at the Apostolic Works, during each Thursday Eucharist dedicated to the affiliated, benefactors and friends ofSaint-Jude, the Holy Spirit puts in my conscience, when I elevated the Host and the Chalice of the precious blood of Our Lord, that I’m in communion with over nine thousand Christians and friends of God from all over the World. I have to admit that this stimulates my prayer and my intercession. It’s as if I see each and every one of you and that I’m praying for each of your intentions. It’s like evident to me that I’m in full communion with you all.
Let us ask the intercession of the Great ApostleSaint-Jude to make us more aware of the chance that we have of being called to live under the banner and belonging to his parish – by taking this image of the Church – that is as great as the World; and even more, great like the heart of all the intercessors that entrust themselves to his benevolence. Therefore, may this month of February be for us rich in fraternal communion and let us pray for one another with fervour. Prayer between us is strong, really strong. I bless you with all my heart of vicar ofSaint-Jude!