The Monthly Note
April 2015
by Henri de Longchamp, OP
We would never heard of St. Jude if Jesus of Nazareth was not living today.
Jude and many other men and women followed Jesus, the preacher, the healer, the one giving hope to those who meet him, listen to him, touch him and began to follow him.
Religious leaders and political leaders wanted to get rid of him and they put him to death. God the Father raised Jesus and He made him the Lord of the livings and the dead. It is as if the Father has set his seal and approves the life, the actions, and the message of his only Son, sent among us.
Risen, the Lord Jesus appeared for 40 days to his disciples, even to a group of 500 people (1 Co. 15,6). These men and women happily shared with their fellow citizens, the Gospel of life and the message of salvation brought by Jesus, the Messiah. They went to proclaim it in many countries. Testimonies evoke St. Jude' missions in Palestine, Persia and Armenia.
We have confidence in the life and the message of the Apostles, the early Christians, martyrs and saints of all generations. They invite all of us to have faith in Jesus, the Son of God, our brother and our Lord.
St. Jude, you are the SAINT OF HOPE,
direct us always to Christ, to his message
that is full of life, hope and fraternity.
St. Jude, Patron Saint of Hopeless cases,
pray to God for us!
Rest assured, dear Friends of St. Jude, that we read all your letters and e-mails, as well as the prayer intentions put near the statue of St. Jude in the church of the Dominican Friars. Every Thursday of St. Jude, we pray for you and mass is celebrated for all your prayer intentions.
Fr. Henri de Longchamp, Friar Preacher (O.P.)
Director of Saint-Jude’s Apostolic Works