The Monthly Note
Ask, and it will be given to you (Luke 11, 9)
by Jacques Lauziers, o.p.
September 29th «falls» on a Sunday. Apart from being an «ordinary» Sunday according to the liturgical calendar, it will be a special Sunday. Special for the Christian communities all over Quebec. It will Catechetical Sunday.
As you all know, ever since the education ministry has shown the door to religious education from schools, it is up to the Christian community to take care of its children so that they may get to know the One that has given His life for them. This catechetical mission involves hundreds of people of all ages and all over Quebec. Some are paid but most of them do it voluntarily. Out of love.
These people need help, our help, your help. If you feel you have it in you to become a catechism teacher, you can always contact your diocese to offer your services...or you donations, but this is not the goal of this letter. I would like to increase your awareness to the solidarity with these people who accompany the children, the teenagers, the families, the Christian communities in their path of faith and Christian life.
If you live outside Quebec, your solidarity is just as important as those who live here, so that Christ may be known by the greatest number of people possible so that, when He returns, He finds faith on Earth…and not only in Quebec. And since prayer knows no boundaries and is very powerful, if it is done with a child’s heart, do not hesitate to use it. Furthermore it’s free. So!