Saint Jude

Daily prayer
to St. Jude

O kindSaint-Jude, our faithful intercessor to Jesus, receive the following special intentions : to present them to the Almighty Lord, Root of all good. Above all, grant us an increase of our faith in His love. May each day find us closer in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. KindSaint-Jude, you who has revived hope in our hearts, you whose model merits and life bring us the divine blessings and graces, be our advocate, and lead us to Jesus and Mary. With you, blessed apostle, we give thanks and praise God with all our heart for His innumerable kindnesses. Amen.

The Monthly Note

October 2011


"Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2,5)

by Jacques Lauziert, O.P.

I was always stricken by the story of Jesus' first miracle that the evangelist John tells us. It is not the fact that Jesus changed water into wine that is questioned here but the fact that he did it at Mary's request.   How ridiculous is to run out of wine during a wedding reception because the host miscalculated the amount of guests and did not stock up enough fruit of the wine.  Then, why should it be to the Lord to fix the host's negligence?

Why? Because His Mother asked Him. Mary, too, was very aware that running out of wine during a meal was not the "end of the world".  It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last.  Then, why did she dare to disturb her Son and especially to ask a "miracle" of Him for such an insignificant thing? Especially that the newlyweds were only friends of Mary and Jesus' family.

Why? Because Mary had the heart of a "mother". Because a "mother" sees and feels things that a "father" (not to say a man) cannot see and feel. A 'mother' can detect her children's inner fears. She can read the signs on faces and in the behaviours of those dear to her. That's what happened at Cana.
When she went to Heaven, Mary did not lose that "heart of a mother". On the contrary. By not being limited to the realities of a mortal body and being real close to the Trinity, she has, upon her son, a power of intercession that no other human will ever possess. And from where she is, Mary has not lost her ability to read the anxieties of her children and to feel their distresses. And, also to listen to their prayers.

That is why during this month (month of the Rosary), we must take advantage of her close proximity to the Trinity to ask for miracles. Yes, "miracles"! If she was capable to have water changed into wine, she still has the power of intercession next to her son to make up for our shortfalls.  After all, isn't she "our" Mother? Especially nowadays, we are lacking far more important things than wine.  In fact, if Mary would be on Earth today, she wouldn't tell her son: "They have no more wine ! " but: "They have no more Faith, Hope and Charity. I beg of you, do something!"

If, during this month, we pay special attention to her maternal presence, maybe we will hear her whisper in our heart, between 2 Hail Mary: "Do as He says!"