The Monthly Note
June 2015
by Henri de Longchamp, OP
Pope Francis spoke of different behaviors of Christians in his homily of May 28, 2015. Reflecting on the meeting of Jesus with the blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10,46-58), the Pope proposes an examination of conscience.
"In which group am I? In the first, among those who do not hear cries asking for help for salvation? Do I only care about my closed, selfish relationship with Jesus? Am I part of the second group, among those who alienate people from Jesus either for lack of consistency of life, or by the absence of testimony or by an attachment to money, or stiffness?"
"Or am I part of the third group, among those who hear the cry of so many people and help to approach Jesus? It is a "group of Christians who are consistent between what they believe and what they live," said Pope Francis.
St. Jude, our Patron saint, offers Christ. To healthy people as sick; to people close to Christ and to those who ignore his life and his message; to members of our families and to strangers. With him, we wish to live the Gospel on the Way that the Lord Jesus opens. As him, we offer Christ to those who are desperate and in need of hope and love in their lives.
St. Jude, you are the SAINT OF HOPE,
direct us always to Christ, to his message
that is full of life, hope and fraternity.
St. Jude, Patron Saint of Hopeless cases,
pray to God for us!
Rest assured, dear Friends of St. Jude, that we read all your letters and e-mails, as well as the prayer intentions put near the statue of St. Jude in the church of the Dominican Friars. Every Thursday of St. Jude, we pray for you and mass is celebrated for all your prayer intentions.
Fr. Henri de Longchamp, Friar Preacher (O.P.)
Director of Saint-Jude’s Apostolic Works