The Monthly Note
October - November 2016
Solemn Novena of Octobre 2016
You are one of the very many people who asked us to pray for you and your intentions during the Solemn Novena to St. Jude. We did it truthfully twice daily, from October 20 to 28. St. Jude's praying Team did the same and they continue to do it every Thursday at the 2:30 pm Mass! With the voluminous mail received our response may be late. Rest assured that we read your letter and we continue to pray for you and your intentions every Thursday to St. Jude.
In addition to celebrate Mass and pray for you and your intentions each week and each day of the Lenten and October novenas, we also do it fervently in this Jubilee Year of the 800th anniversary of the approval of the Order of Friars Preachers, the Dominicans. First October 7th, feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Then on November 3rd, feast of St. Martin de Porres, a Dominican metis brother who lived in the convent of Lima, Peru, from 1579 to 1639; he incarnated mercy to the most despised, the poor and the sick in the society of his time. Finally on December 22th, date of the approval of the Order of Friars Preachers in 1216 by Pope Honorius III; the foundation took place in Toulouse in 1215.
Today I am turning to you. If you want to pray for all those who ask us to pray for their intentions, I personally invite you to join St. Jude's praying Team. Simply register by mail or email ( ). We will count on your prayers especially every Thursday to St. Jude. Together, let us pray the Saint of Hope to intercede with God for all those, often desperate, asking us to support them by praying for their intentions.
In faith, St. Jude's praying Team is a family of life and prayer. Each one is important and counts for God and for us. Let's assure our brothers and sisters that we are with them. Let's give back confidence to whom needs it. Hope is greater than despair and Light is stronger than darkness. Jesus Christ is alive, He wants each one to follow Him on his path and St. Jude intercedes for us with God. My brother, my sister, I bless you with all my hearth.
Fr. Henri de Longchamp, Friar Preacher (O.P.)
Director of Saint-Jude’s Apostolic Works