Saint Jude

Daily prayer
to St. Jude

O kindSaint-Jude, our faithful intercessor to Jesus, receive the following special intentions : to present them to the Almighty Lord, Root of all good. Above all, grant us an increase of our faith in His love. May each day find us closer in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. KindSaint-Jude, you who has revived hope in our hearts, you whose model merits and life bring us the divine blessings and graces, be our advocate, and lead us to Jesus and Mary. With you, blessed apostle, we give thanks and praise God with all our heart for His innumerable kindnesses. Amen.

The Monthly Note

October 2017


You are one of the thousand people who asked us to pray for you and your intentions during the Solemn Novena to St. Jude. We do it sincerely twice daily, at Mass, from October 20 to 28. St. Jude's Praying Team did the same and they continue to do it every Thursday at the 2:30 pm Mass! With the voluminous mail our response may be late. Rest assured that we read your letter the same day we received it, on time for the Solemn Novena to the Saint of Hope!

With great joy, I share with you an event. Beginning of October, a family came to Mass a Thursday of St. Jude; they were new faces for me. At communion, grandma had her 9-year-old granddaughter with her; she told me: She had a miracle by St. Jude! When communion was over, I invited everyone in church to come close to the family, whom I asked to kindly share with us what happened.

Dad, a construction worker, told us that his daughter had a brain tumor. His mother asked the whole family to pray to St. Jude hoping to obtain from the Lord the healing of the little one. They did so with fervor and conviction. At the hospital, the doctors told them later that the tumor had disappeared. The whole family came to St. Jude’s and the Rosary Oratory to thank our Intercessor to the Lord.

As you know, every Thursday at the church of the Dominicans, a group prays for all intentions received during the week. Others do it at home, and we send them prayer intentions every Wednesday. The Praying Team of St. Jude is a family of life and faith; I thank them very sincerely. Would you like to join them?  With pleasure, we will send you intentions of prayers every week by email and every day during the solemn novena of Lent and that of October.

Each person is important and counts in the eyes of God and ours. We assure our brothers and sisters that we are with them. We want to strengthen the confidence of those who need it. Hope is greater than despair and the Light is stronger than darkness. Jesus Christ is Alive; He wants us to follow Him on his Way, and the apostle St. Jude intercedes for us with God. Be confident, there is Hope!

Fr. Henri de Longchamp, o.p., Director