The Monthly Note
February 2020
The long winter continues but, already, light overcomes darkness.
With a bit of patience, the cold will also be behind us. The
groundhogs are not always unanimous, but spring is around the
corner. It is the same for our hope: our patience and
perseverance will soon be rewarded.
Maybe the harshness of winter keep you from participating in the
Thursdays to Saint Jude? Rest assured that our community entrusts
all your prayer intentions and that the friends of Saint Jude remain
united despite the cold, the ice and the snow!
In the beginning of February, we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus at
the Temple that reminds us of the day when the elderly Simeon saw in
the Child Jesus «a light for revelation to the
World». With our gaze of faith and hope, we, too, will be
able to detect the glowing presence of Christ in our lives. Mid
month, it will be the World Day of the Sick and the Feast of Our Lady
of Lourdes (the 12th) that reminds us of the maternal goodness and
concern of Mary. And at the end of the month, with Ash Wednesday,
we will enter in Lent and begin our journey to Easter, toward the
ultimate victory of Light over all the forces of Darkness.
During this month, let us ask the intercession of Saint Jude so that we
may walk in the light of Christ with courage and confidence, even if we
have to endure all sorts of trials. At the end of the road, we
will find joy and peace!.
Raymond Latour, o.p.
Director of the Saint Jude’s Apostolic Works.